Category Archives: topics

  Our attitude on “Emergency Declaration Officially Effective.”

  The new coronavirus has been spread worldwide. The monthly meeting, our main activity, has a risk of virus infection as lots of people gather to clean and refurbish wheelchairs, though it is held outdoors. That’s why we cancelled the monthly … Continue reading

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  We’ll send five wheelchairs to Ho Chi Minh City.

  An occupational therapist named Haruka Kato has sent us an email asking for wheelchairs for children. Ms. Kato, a member of JICA, working in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, found our website.   “I’m working at a rehabilitation center in Ho Chi … Continue reading

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  The Paraguay Ambassador to Japan visited us for the second time.

  The Paraguay Ambassador to Japan visited our monthly meeting for the second time after two years absence. (The article of that time)   The Ambassador (the second person from the left) giving a speech and the national flag of Paraguay.   “I’d … Continue reading

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  We have donated 8,092 wheelchairs to 24 countries.

  We have donated 8,092 wheelchairs to 24 countries as of the end of December, 2019. We couldn’t have done this without your help. I’d like to express our gratitude to everyone who have supported our activities. The next goal would … Continue reading

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  Happy New Year!

  It’s a long way to deliver wheelchairs to overseas children. We can’t do it without your great support. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.   I hope that needy children overseas will use donated wheelchairs as long as … Continue reading

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  A wheelchair was sent to the Philippines from Akita prefecture.

  A woman in Akita prefecture found our website and asked us for an wheelchair in September this year. A Phillipino employee of her father’s company has left her daughter home, who has cerebral palsy(CP) and needs a wheelchair. So we … Continue reading

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  We will send wheelchairs to Mongolia with Mr. Saitou.

  We got an inquiry the other day from Mr. Saito*1 , CEO of Saito Workshop Co.,Ltd.   We had provided them with 14 electric wheelchairs the previous time(April, 2019), but this time they said they were thinking of sending manual(ordinary) ones … Continue reading

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  We’ve got wheelchairs from two schools.

  We went to two special schools to receive wheelchairs today. Hachioji Higashi special school in Tokyo provided us with nine wheelchairs and Nakahara special school in Kanagawa twenty.   We will surely take great care in cleaning and refurbishing them in … Continue reading

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  ‘Thank you!’ from the recipient child in Thailand.

  “We’d like a needy child abroad to use the wheelchair used by our son, who has gone to the kingdom of God” this is what Mr. and Mrs. Iwai thought, and they delivered their wheelchair to us on April, 2019, … Continue reading

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  We visited APL Yokohama Honmoku Container Terminal.

  We visited the Yokohama Honmoku container terminal of the shipping company APL(American President Lines). The members were seventeen in total:Sagami Women’s University group, regular volunteers, mothers of wheelchair-users, and our president and directors.   We have booked APL ships mainly for … Continue reading

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