Category Archives: topics

   State of emergency issued for the fourth time.

  The 3rd state of emergency for Covid-19 was cancelled on June 20 and we’ve had a mini-meeting twice since then. However, the fourth state of emergency was issued on July 12 and it’s on effect through August 22. We’ve decided … Continue reading

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   State of emergency cancelled.

  The state of emergency for Covid-19 was cancelled in nine prefectures on June 20, but seven prefectures including Tokyo have been under the priority measures preventing prevalence. Although these measures are mainly for restaurants and diners, corona virus infection is … Continue reading

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   We’ve got wheelchairs from NGO Saboten-no-Hana.

  On May 1, 2021, Ms. Yamanaka, representative director of NGO Saboten-no-Hana in Aichi prefecture, came over to my house to deliver six wheelchairs, driving for several hours by herself. NGO Saboten-no-Hana, which Ms. Yamanaka founded, is a multi-role facilities supporting … Continue reading

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  We have received the 2020 Global Citizenship Award.

  We’ve received “the 2020 Japan Foundation Global Citizenship Award“. The Japan Foundation, an individual administrative agency, is the only specialized institution in Japan that has been practicing international cultural exchange all over the world and the Award given by this … Continue reading

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   Happy New Year!

  Due to the magnifying new corona virus infection since last year, our NGO’s activities have been greatly restricted. The regular monthly meeting has become irregular mini-meetings with a small number of volunteers. The overseas countries which have received wheelchairs so … Continue reading

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   We’ve moved our working base to Fussa.

  It was December, 2013 that we placed our working base on the premises of Tama Packing Industry Co., Ltd. in Hamura. Since then many volunteers had been gathering and joining the activities of cleaning, refurbishing, and packing wheelchairs for seven … Continue reading

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  We cancel our meetings from September thru December.

  We cancel our monthly meeting in the regular style from September through December. The new coronavirus threat seems to be in the midst of the second wave. The government has been carrying on the GO TO TRAVEL campaign, but Tokyo … Continue reading

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   Our activity in a new style.

  The new coronavirus infection has been spreading so widely that we could say it might be the second wave. It’s a situation we can get infected anytime and anywhere. So our activities such as collecting wheelchairs, cleaning and refurbishing them … Continue reading

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  Our activities under the corona crisis from now on.

  The new coronavirus seems to have slowed down across Japan, but there are still signs of increasing infections in Tokyo and Kitakyushu. We’re worried that they might indicate the beginning of the second wave of big infection. In this situation, … Continue reading

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  “Emergency Declaration” in effect 1 month more.

  We are sorry to say that the new coronavirus is still spreading across Japan after Emergency Declaration was issued, and Japanese government has decided to keep the declaration effective through the end of May. We already cancelled our monthly meetings … Continue reading

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