Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

  We’ve got wheelchairs from two schools.

  We went to two special schools to receive wheelchairs today. Hachioji Higashi special school in Tokyo provided us with nine wheelchairs and Nakahara special school in Kanagawa twenty.   We will surely take great care in cleaning and refurbishing them in … Continue reading

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 Fussa Blues Festival is to be held in November.*

  The 14th Fussa Blues Festival is to be held on Nov. 3, 2019. We’d like everyone to come and enjoy the professional blues. The festival is a charity concert and part of the event’s proceeds are to be donated to … Continue reading

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 We visited APL Yokohama Terminal for the 2nd time.*

  We made a visit to APL Yokohama Container Terminal for the second time. The members were Sagami Women’s University students, fifteen in total, and two emplyees of NTS Corporations, to which we entrust our export business, and one of our … Continue reading

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 We received photos of the recipient children in Paraguay.*

  More than two hundred paintings showing ‘Thank you!’ were sent to us in August last year from the overseas children who had been donated wheelchairs. There were thirteen from Paraguay among them, and now we have received phohos of the … Continue reading

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 It was a pleasant day for our activity.*

  It was cloudy, but pleasant for our activity, after the long, summer heat. We had about 50 participants:Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, Yokota Air Force Base group, regular Ethiopian, Tama Technical High School group, voluntary members, and American President … Continue reading

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  ‘Thank you!’ from the recipient child in Thailand.

  “We’d like a needy child abroad to use the wheelchair used by our son, who has gone to the kingdom of God” this is what Mr. and Mrs. Iwai thought, and they delivered their wheelchair to us on April, 2019, … Continue reading

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 We have shipped 70 wheelchairs for Ethiopia.*

 The ship loaded with 70 wheelchairs left Tokyo Port for Ethiopia at the end of July. The donation this time was supported by three parties, the NGO Adeyabeba Ethiopia Association, presided by Mr. Abebe, one of our voluntary members, the … Continue reading

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 We started the activity at nine, earlier than usual.*

  We started today’s activity at nine, an hour earlier than usual, as the temperature was expexted to be over 36℃. Lots of participants gathered instead of this early start, though: Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, Fussa High School group, … Continue reading

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  We visited APL Yokohama Honmoku Container Terminal.

  We visited the Yokohama Honmoku container terminal of the shipping company APL(American President Lines). The members were seventeen in total:Sagami Women’s University group, regular volunteers, mothers of wheelchair-users, and our president and directors.   We have booked APL ships mainly for … Continue reading

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 We have updated ‘Topics’ below.(2nd)

  We visited the container terminal of APL, shipping company, in Yokohama Honmoku. The members were seventeen in total:Sagami Women’s University group, regular volunteers, mothers of wheelchair-users, our president and directors. Please see ‘Topics’ on the top page.

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