First meeting in March.

  On March 12, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, and voluntary members. The participants were 21 in total.

  Mr. Miyata, a wheelchair professional who runs a wheelchair and sitting-aid manufacturing business in Hanno City, was among the three voluntary members. He taught us a lot about cleaning, refurbishing, how to treat wheelchairs, etc. He did tire changes for us, too.

  On this day, we worked on the project for Ukraine, which was requested again. This work was done in parallel with the work for Vietnam. Vietnamese group finished cleaning, refurbishing, and packing ten units for Ukraine, Sagami Women’s Uni group packing six for Vietnam, and others cleaning and refurbishing five.

  The project for Ukraine is to send about 40 wheelchairs and buggies around the middle of April. It’s expected to be a joint project of four non-profit organizations. Once this is achieved, the promised donation of 500 units to Ukraine will be completed. We expect it’ll be done with the support of transportation companies like the previous time. Although this may affect the shipment of 90 units to Vietnam in June this year, we hope to manage to send the wheelchairs to both countries.

March 13, 2023      Secretariat

We never fail to take measures for Covid-19: hands disinfection with alcohol, taking temperature, and filling in the participation record.

(Left) Vietnamese group and staff taking out wheelchairs to be cleaned for Ukraine. Raising and lowering wheelchairs is hard work, though we do this frequently.
(Right) Wheelchairs waiting for packing for Vietnam.

Sagami Women’s Uni group (left) and Vietnamese group (right).

(Left) Vietnamese group doing packing work.
(Right) Lovely message by a Vietnamese member, written on the package for Vietnam.

Lunchtime in the spring air.

Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク