Meeting in a little larger scale than before.

  On February 12, a rather warm day for this season, we had a meeting in a little larger scale than before, 21 participants in total. We decided to have a bit large meeting since the new infection of Covid-19 has been decreasing lately.

  We did cleaning, refurbishing, and packing wheelchairs for Vietnam. We’ve finished packing 7 units, cleaning and refurbishing 12 units, and cleaning 4 units, which was quite successful in these days.

  We’re planning to send wheelchairs for Vietnam around June 2023. If the situation of Covid-19 continues to calm down, we’d like to accelerate our preparations for Vietnam by getting more people together than we have today.

February 14, 2023      Secretariat

(How to see the photos) Click on the photos to enlarge them and view them consecutively.

(Left) The plum tree next to the warehouse had beautiful white flowers. What a pleasant day!
(Right) Preparing before volunteers come. Getting everything ready: thermometer, participant list, rubbing alcohol, and wheelchairs.

(Left) Vietnamese group, starting to work as soon as they arrived.
(Right) Another Vietnamese group, starting refurbishing work.

The 11-member Vietnamese group, very active in cleaning and refurbishing.

(Left) Mr. Saito never fails to come, working silently.
(Right) Wheelchairs which were cleaned and refurbished, waiting for packing.

Sagami Women’s Uni group, focusing on packing.


Thank you, everyone, for your good work!
We’d like to ask more people to join our activities from now on.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク