First meeting in 2023.

  On January 15, we had the first meeting in 2023. We had wondered whether we’d be able to hold a meeting as Tokyo’s new infection on previous Friday was 11,241. Our decision was to have a meeting with limited number of people.

  It was cloudy at the beginning, but light rain began to fall before noon, and we ended up after lunch. The participants were Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, and staff, 12 in total. During the morning activity, we finished cleaning five wheelchairs and selecting 30 wheelchairs for Malaysia.

  The five wheelchairs we’ve just cleaned are for Vietnam. We’re planning to finish refurbishing 90 units by June and send them around June or July. Another project is sending special wheelchairs to Malaysia. Since our partner in Malaysia, Mr. Seyd, Aleps Dream Factory representative, had requested us to send him equipment useful in treatment, other than wheelchairs, we prepared the following things.

sitting aid     walking trainer   standing trainer     bath chair            orthosis

  The equipment we have prepared are 70 units of sitting aid, walking trainer, standing trainer, and bath chair as well as normal wheelchairs, and 180 pairs of orthoses.

  We will now focus on preparing for the third Ukraine project, for which we expect to receive even more requests, and on Vietnam. We look forward to your continued support.

January 19,2023      Secretariat

Click on the photos to enlarge them and view them consecutively.

Sagami Women’s Uni group.                         Vietnamese group.

(Left)Both groups worked under the roof, avoiding rain.

Thanks, everyone!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク