Second meeting with Bloomberg L.P. employees.

  On Tuesday November 22, we had a second meeting with Bloomberg L.P. employees. Eleven people participated in the event. They came to our warehouse at 1 pm after working in the morning at their office in Tokyo and having lunch in the microbus.

  This is the second time after July 2 for them to join in our refurbishing work. The first six participants came by car, and after that event, they told us that they would join next time with about 10 people from their company in a microbus. This time, that talk came true.

  First, the president Morita expressed thanks for their coming, and then a staff member explained to them about today’s goal (cleaning 14 wheelchairs) and how to proceed activity. We got them to work in pairs. At first, they asked us if they were doing things correctly or if they had the right tools, but gradually their efficiency improved, and the goal of cleaning 14 units was completed after 3 pm.

  They left for their office in the microbus they came in, leaving a message saying, “We will come again next time.” We were able to secure the number of wheelchairs by holding an extra meeting with a group of people on weekday afternoon other than the usual second and fourth Sundays. We plan to send today’s wheelchairs to Vietnam.

Thank you, Bloomberg employees! Good job!

November 23, 2022      Secretariat

(Left)”Welcome” panels for Bloomberg L.P. employees.
(Right)Bloomberg people checking temperature and disinfecting hands.

President Morita expressed thanks and talked how he started this activity.

They started to work immediately.

Mr. Morita worked on cleaning with the Bloomberg participants.

Thank you for your good work. We’re looking forward to working with you again.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク