We had an extra mini-meeting.

  On Saturday, July 2, we had an extra mini-meeting with 6 employees of Bloomberg L.P.. They had contacted us, saying they got interested in our activity and were considering joining it. It was another ‘intense heat’ day, so we took measures for heat illness such as getting shelters from the sunlight, having enough breaks, and supplying plenty of water, as well as for Covid-19.

  We got them to make pairs and each pair did cleaning wheelchairs supported by our staff. Most of them touched children’s wheelchairs for the first time and they seemed to enjoy working in sweat in the open air, quite different from their usual desk work in the office. They worked hard even in the intense heat. Some members tried removing parts so as to clean and scrub wheelchairs fully. As a result, there were some wheelchairs perfectly cleaned and as good as a new one.

  President Morita was happy with their words that they would bring more employees in the near future. Though we are still under the restriction of the number of participants, we aim to have more active meetings with new members.

July 3, 2022      Secretariat

After Mr. Morita’s welcome greeting, we started working right away. The temperature was over 30 degrees already. The members experienced working in the shade.

(Left) Cleaning every inch of a wheelchair with the support of the staff.
(Right) Turning a wheelchair upside down to do perfect cleaning.

(Left) One of the staff demonstrated how to exchange tubes and tires. Hopefully they will join refurbishing too.
(Right) Trying lunch outside. Their comment was “delicious!”

Their blue T-shirts show the members have participated in some kind of volunteering.    Thank you for joining today. Let’s work together again!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク