Mini-meeting on a summer-like day.

  On May 29, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami University group and the Vietnamese group. It was a very hot Sunday all across the country. In Fussa city, Tokyo, where we had our activity base, the highest temperature rose above 30℃ and it was literally a summer-like day.

  We set up two tents so as to shelter from the sun. Some worked in the tent and others worked inside the warehouse or under the roof of firewood shelf of Ishikawa Brewery to prevent heat illness.

  Thanks to the participants, we finished packing eight units, cleaning three units, and refurbishing five units of wheelchairs. So far we tried to do cleaning and refurbishing ahead of other things, but today we got Sagami University group to work on packing. Packing wheelchairs requires standing and squatting all the time, and in today’s heat. It must have been really tough! We can’t thank you enough. The Vietnamese group did refurbishing work as usual. Thank you, everyone.

May 29, 2022      Secretariat

(Left) Sagami Women’s Uni group came early as usual. Taking temperature and filling in contact address in the first place.
(Right) Two tents ready and waiting for volunteers. Wheelchairs also waiting for cleaning or refurbishing.

(Left) Sagami Women’s Uni group divided into two teams: cleaning and packing teams. This team is cleaning a wheelchair.
(Right) The Vietnamese group came so early, half an hour ahead of time. They’re exchanging tire tubes.

〇Packing includes several related tasks.

(Left) Packing team of Sagami Women’s Uni group, wrapping a wheelchair with packing material called “puchi-puchi.”
(Right) Related tasks before wrapping: filling in the task control table. The first item is the individual number of each wheelchair. The seat size is used as information for which child could use which wheelchair. The weight is needed for container transport. Though they are all blank as we couldn’t prepare a weight meter today, we’ll measure all the wheelchairs later on. Other items are ‘donors’ (the name of school, for example), ‘photo’ (in order to give overseas partners clear image of wheelchairs), and ‘stickers'(individual number, our NGO’s logo sticker, and Sagami Women’s Uni sticker, all put on each wheelchair).

(Left) Taking photos of each wheelchair with its individual number.
(Right) We make a file of all the photos and the content written on the task control table and send it to the overseas recipients before sending them wheelchairs.

Having lunch in the shade. Cool breeze made lunch more delicious.

Thank you everyone for your work today!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク