Mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s Uni group.

  On May 15, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s University group.

  Since we have not finalized the specific recipient for the next donation, we have decided not to do any maintenance or packing, but only cleaning. As in the past, we ensured that corona measures were taken and got to work, and finished cleaning 10 wheelchairs. We would like to thank every participant for their hard work.

May 15, 2022      Secretariat

Sagami Women’s Uni group gathered 5 minutes before the scheduled time as usual and immediately started working after taking temperature checks and other corona measures.

(Left) Working in pairs to clean wheelchairs.
(Right) The equipment circled by the red dotted circle are steam cleaners that emit steam at 150°C. They can remove stubborn stains with high-temperature steam.

Cleaning with the wheels removed so as to wash the dirt off completely. Perfect!

Wheelchair used as a stretcher. Removing the wheels is good for complete cleaning.

(Left) The cleaning procedure is now well understood. We turned over wheelchairs and cleaned them carefully.
(Right) Lunchtime is fun. Today’s lunch was a stylish hamburger box lunch in an eco-friendly paper package. It was delicious.

Thanks again for your hard work today.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク