We had the first meeting of FY 2022.

  On April 10, we had the first meeting of FY 2022, following the release of the Semi-emergency coronavirus measure in Tokyo on March 21.

  The participants were only Sagami Women’s University group again. Among them were two members who had just graduated this spring and started working. We’re glad we had them coming as we know it’s not easy to join the meeting after graduation.

  Mr. Inagaki from SOU Company, Ltd. visited us to deliver some wheelchairs during the activity. He always brings such clean wheelchairs that they need almost no cleaning and says, “Be sure to deliver the wheelchairs to overseas children.”

  We just purchased two steam cleaners, one for business use and one for household use, and we used the household one to clean wheelchairs at the meeting. We found it possible to clean the frame and metal parts efficiently with the household one as well as with the business use one we tried last time. It was also easy to remove mold on the cushion. We’d like to send overseas children wheelchairs polished up with the brand-new steam cleaners.

April 11, 2022      Secretariat

Let’s get started!

(Left) It feels good to use the steam cleaner and remove the dirt so well.
(Right) A staff member exchanging casters.

Mr. and Mrs. Inagaki with various types of wheelchairs they have brought.

Lunch indoors, it was very hot outside.

Thank you for joining today, Sagami Women’s Uni group!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク