Mini-meeting with Rotary Club members.

  On October 24, 2021, we had a mini-meeting, for the third time after the state of emergency was lifted. The participants were Tokyo Akishima Chuo Rotary Club members and our staff, nine in total.

  We never failed to check our body temperature, sanitize our hands with alcohol, and wear masks. We also kept records of our contact number just in case.

  The Rotary Club members did cleaning seven wheelchairs and our staff did packing eight wheelchairs.

  Thanks to the Rotary Club members, we were able to hold a mini-meeting today. We’d like to continue our activities in this way. We would be grateful for your further cooperation.

October 24, 2021      Secretariat

Sanitizing hands, taking temperature, and putting down contact number.

Working at a distance from each other.

Photo with wheelchairs for Paraguay, the Paraguayan national flag, and the banner made by the members saying “Children’s Wheelchairs for Paraguay.”
Thank you, the Rotary Club members!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク