We had a mini-meeting just before the 4th state of emergency.

  On July 10, though it was announced that the 4th state of emergency would be issued on July 12, we had a mini-meeting as we had planned. We naturally took strong measures against the new corona virus infection. There were six members from Sagami Women’s University group and two from Vietnamese group joining the activity. We worked on 13 not-yet-refurbished wheelchairs for Thailand and finished cleaning 9 out of them.
  So far we have arranged shipment in accordance with the refurbishing schedule, but it’s not possible to expect when we can finish refurbishing all the wheelchairs under the corona crisis. We’re going to finish refurbishing the rest 13 wheelchairs by holding mini-meetings later on, and then we’ll start arranging shipment and clarify the date of arrival in Thailand.

  Restarting our activity will be after the release of the state of emergency on August 22. We’d like to ask for your support.

July 11, 2021 Secretaria

(Left) Putting out wheelchairs, tools for cleaning and refurbishing, and plywood to lay on the ground. Let’s get started!
(Right) The ground around the warehouse in Haijima is mostly covered with gravel and sand. We’ve got plywood and used tatami-mats to lay on the ground so that we could work on wheelchairs without making them dirty.

Lunchtime with vivid green grass in the background. Feel like a picnic?

             Thank you, everyone!

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク