Feb. 16, 2020 We had a little rain at the beginning.

  We had a little rain at the beginning but luckily it was not so cold for this season. There were about 65 participants today: Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, Tama Technical High School group, Ocean Network Express Japan group, and regular volunteers. We also had a special guest, the Paraguay Ambassador to Japan, whose visit is the second time following 2018.

  Today’s task is for Paraguay, starting in December last year. We’ve refurbished 20 wheelchairs, making the total number 90. We’re loading them into a container on February 18th and shipping them from Tokyo port on 23rd. The wheelchairs are to arrive at Buenos Aires, Argentina in early April. This marine transport is free of charge thanks to Ocean Network Express Japan (ONE JAPAN). We’d like to express our gratitude for this free transport to the other side of the earth. 

(Left) Signboards, booklet, and donation box.
(Right) Six waste bags for separated wastes.

We started to work under the big awning tp prevent rain. On the wall there’s a national flag of Paraguay showing respect for the Ambassador.

Our staff member explained to ONE Japan team how to refurbish and some of Sagami Women’s Uni group assisted them while working.

Some were working in the warehouse in order to prevent rain: ONE Japan group (left) and Tama Technical High School group (right).

  ONE Japan group brought ONE’s stickers(above) and we stuck them on all the wheelchairs refurbished today for Paraguay.

Sagami Women’s Uni group (left) and Vietnamese group (right).

(Left) The Paraguay Ambassador to Japan arrived and our president, Mr Morita, welcomed him warmly.
(Right) The Ambassador with wheelchairs for Paraguay.

Veteran volunteers and Mr. Morita preparing for tonjiru, miso soup with vegetables and pork.

Today’s lunch: tonjiru and onigiri box lunch.

(Left) The Ambassador with Vietnamese group. The Ambassador holds the additional post of the Ambassador to Vietnam and as he has visited Vietnam many times he has a lot to talk with them.
(Right) The Ambassador had the same tonjiru and onigiri box lunch as ours.

Mr. Inagaki of So Company, who does supporting activities for people with disabilities at Heart Poppo supporting office, brought us two wheelchairs. This is his third time of donation.

The Ambassador made a short speech expressing gratitude for sending wheelchairs to Paraguay.

ONE Japan gave every participant a towel with its company logo on.

Everyone was pleased with the towel.

(Left) The Ambassador and ONE Japan group.
(Right) The Ambassador and Vietnamese group.

(Left) The Ambassador and Sagami Women’s University group.
(Right) The Ambassador and Tama Technical High School group.

The Ambassador and voluntary members.

Around the Ambassador are today’s participants with ONE towel in their hand.
Thank you, Ambassador, for visiting us today and thank you, everyone, for today’s work.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク