Jan. 19, 2020 The first meeting was blessed with fine weather.

  The first meeting in 2020 was blessed with fine weather, warm and pleasant to work. There were as many as 75 participants; Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, Tama Technical High School group, US Yokota Air Force Base group, Ethiopian group, and regular volunteers.

  We continued refurbishing work for Paraguay from last month and finished 44 wheelchairs, making the total number 70

  The wheelchairs refurbished today are from the following schools and some other schools and individual persons.
– Kitatsunashima Special School
– Ryokuseikai Seiikuen Daycare Center
– Chiba Prefectural Sakuragoka Special School
– Kamakura Gakuen
– Tama Sakuranooka Gakuen

We appreciate their donation.

(Left) Shall we start?
(Right) Ethiopian Group.

(Left) US Yokota Air Force Base group. They continue to join from last year. Some are regular members and some are newcomers.
(Right) Tama Technical High School group.

(Left) Vietnamese group.
(Right) Sagami Women’s Uni group being trained by veteran staff.

(Left) Nepali, Bimala. We always appreciate her careful work.
(Right) As lots of people joined the activity, the work went smoothly and efficiently.

(Left) Sagami Women’s Uni group are in charge of managing the number of wheelchairs to be delivered, that is, they decide how many and which wheelchairs are to be sent to which country.
(Right) So, they put number on each wheelchair and take a picture of them. The overseas partners decide which child is to receive which wheelchair seeing the photo and its information(=size).

(Left) Lunchtime.
(Right) Shiratama Zenzai as dessert.

 The seniors of Sagami Women’s Uni group.
 (From left)
 Sugihara, Sugiyame, Yoshihara,
 Today was the final meeting to some of

(Left) Two senior students made a short speech.
(Right) The head of Junior Red Cross of Tama Technical High School made a short speech too.

Thank you everyone for your good work. We’d like to have fun time working with you in 2020.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク