July 17, 2016 We did refurbishing work for Vietnam and Malaysia.

 July 17(Sun), though it was middle of the three-consecutive holiday, about sixty participants got together, and half of them were Vietnamese members. Luckily it was not so hot for July, and we finished refurbishing thirty wheelchairs for Vietnam as scheduled.
 As for Malaysia, we had two kinds of work, simple cleaning and packing wheelchairs and cleaning and packing orthosis. Students from Fussa High School did the latter work. Some countries need orthosis and others don’t. It depends on each country’s situation.

Voluntary members doing their work(click each photo to enlarge).

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Students from Fussa High School     Wheelchairs for Vietnam
cleaning orthosis

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A little girl working with her father   Careful refurbishing work
                             by turning over the wheelchair

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A girl in charge of cleaning         Packing a wheelchair cleaned and
a wheelchair,like other members     refurbished 

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Finished packing wheelchairs       Packing orthosis into cardboard boxes

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Delicious sweets after lunch “Che Nep Cam” made by Vietnamese members. Yummy!

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Measuring the weight of each packed wheelchair; one of the procedure.

Participants listening to today’s results

Today’s participants

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク