The Second Refurbishing Work for the Philippines

We had another intense heat day, though it was a bit less hot than the previous days. It was in the midst of the summer holidays, but there were about 50 participants like last month, including students from nearby schools, Fussa High School and Tama Technical High School, Sagami Women’s College group, Vietnamese team and other volunteers. Among them were a fourth grader and his(her) mother and they were so active in cleaning wheelchairs, making data of them and sticking seals on them with us.
Some PTA members from a school for disabled children in Saitama, which have offered us used wheelchairs regularly, joined us bringing lots of cakes and bread. So impressive! We kept on working and as it would be too hot to work in the afternoon, we had a late lunch after we finished the work, earlier than usual as a result.

Working efficiency has improved and the number of finished wheelchairs are exactly on schedule. On the next meeting 90 wheelchairs will have been completed.

Thank you for the tough work on such a hot day. How can we thank you enough?

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