2014/11/23 Students of Fussa High School

Fussa High School is located near our activity base in Hamura and some students have been joining us continually so far. Here are some comments of the students who took part in our monthly meeting as a volunteering lesson during the summer vacation.

I didn’t know what to do with wheelchairs and got nervous at first, but while listening to the explanation by the regular members I came to understand that I could do something for other people by cleaning wheelchairs. I was devoted to the work and gradually I felt it so rewarding. Though I felt it troublesome before starting to work, I was encouraged to join this activity again after having finished cleaning and realized that I could be of a little help.

When I saw dirty used wheelchairs, to be frank, I thought it would be trouble for me to clean them, but as I worked with some members of this NPO and listened them talk about these wheelchairs I felt quite the other way round. It brightened me up to imagine a disabled child pleased to use the wheelchair I worked on. I also found it important to think about the world outside Japan.

It’s not easy to work, I thought. Cleaning or checking the condition of wheelchairs or pumping up tires, all these are heavy work and made me tired out, but also made me experience a sense of achievement. Having foreign dishes for lunch is a precious memory, too.

Through volunteering this time, I’ve learned that there were surely some disabled children who used each wheelchair or equipment. Some wheelchairs still had name seals on them. I also knew how these wheelchairs would be used again by someone else.
It was a good experience for me.

I had not understood volunteers’ feelings until I joined this activity. What’s the use of it?
Now I know I was wrong after my own experience. Volunteering means just working for others, regardless of loss or gain.

Many of the wheels had flat tires or were broken and some looked like they wouldn’t be of any use again, but once we changed tires or rubber valves, wiped off dirt with duster and pumped up tires, the used wheelchairs turned as good as new ones.

What impressed me most is cleaning wheelchairs. This was my first time to learn the mechanism of wheelchairs such as how to exchange rubber valves. I wouldn’t know such things without this volunteering lesson. I think I had a good experience.

This was my first time to join volunteering so I was nervous, but Mr. Morita was so cheerful and made me feel relaxed. Through this activity I found that however hard we worked and finished packing a certain number of wheelchairs there are atill lots of children who need wheelchairs and more hands are needed for this project.

I realized that it is pleasant to do something for other people through this activity. I was thrilled to think that the wheelchair I was cleaning would be used by someone abroad. I tried hard to make wheelchairs in better condition.
The volunteering activity this time made me realize that it gives me pleasure to work for others. I hope that the wheelchairs I cleaned today will be used by disabled children abroad and make them happy.

This was my first time to touch wheelchairs or equipment for legs. I learned the mechanism of them and also realized what a hard life the ex-users had had.

It was just a day’s work, but I learned a lot of things and now I know there are so many people who use wheelchairs. The activity was to clean the wheelchairs which are not used any more or are going to be thrown away and help deliver those wheelchairs to children abroad. I was moved to know that the used wheelchairs can be used again.

The photo shows students of Fussa High School after the repair work.
Thank you for your work!



To the students of Fussa High School,
Thank you again for joining our activity. Your fresh voices encourage us a lot. The wheelchairs you’ve worked on today will surely brighten up the lives of disabled children in Paraguay, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. We hope you will make the most of today’s experience in your school life. We also hope you will join us again in the future.


カテゴリー: volunteers voice パーマリンク