2014/01/05 Ron

I am Gwen Hue Ron, Vietnamese.

I started to join this activity at the end of 2011.

I was born in a country which suffered a war, and I knew how hard the lives of the children who suffered it were. Not only in Vietnam but also in other countries such children are living a hard life, unable to buy a wheelchair. When I was in college in Vietnam I was interested in volunteering and did some volunteering, but I had no chance to help them at that time.

I thought it would be difficult for me to do the activity in this NPO, but once I joined, I found myself working joyfully and making new friends and even exchanging each other’s culture. I really appreciate this opportunity. I think this activity quite meaningful and have been introducing it to some of my friends. Now I join monthly meetings with them.

Now is the time people around the world have the same feeling. There are lots of people who want to give hands to disabled children. I’d like to tell more people about this activity and hope a lot more wheelchairs will be sent abroad.

Let’s work together!


カテゴリー: volunteers voice パーマリンク