NGO ‘The Volunteers Group to Send Wheelchairs to Overseas Children’ ( ‘we’ or ‘ our organization’) recognizes the importance of Personal information and sets ‘Privacy Policy’.
We conduct the appropriate management under the policy.
Getting Personal Data
When we ask for personal data, we make our purpose to use them clear and do not get any personal data beyond our purpose.
Disclosure of Personal Data
We do not disclose the personal data we’ve got to any third party, except the following cases.
- The person in question agrees.
- The information of deposit process is needed when we set accounts for donation.
- Outside companies are entrusted to do our work above.(We supervise the outside companies properly so as not to let any personal data go out.)
- Request by the Law.
- Request by the Court and the Government, or any authority similar to these institutions
Control and Protection of Private Data
We recognize the importance of personal data and take appropriate safety control measure based on our ‘Private Policy,’ trying to prevent the loss or falsification of personal data.
Disclosure and Correction of Personal Data
We respond properly when asked for disclosure, correction, or stoppage by the person him/herself.
For more information
NGO The Volunteers Group to Send Wheelchairs to Overseas Children
Mail : info@kaigaikurumaisu.org
▶ Contact us from here.