Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

We loaded 90 wheelchairs on the ship for the Philippines.

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Private exhibition of Hitomi Oyama, painter, was held in Ishikawa brewery.

 Private exhibition of Hitomi Oyama, painter, was held in the new storehouse, the second floor of Ishikawa brewery Co., Ltd., which is one of the supporting groups of our NGO.  Ms Oyama proposed of contributing a part of sales of … Continue reading

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Ninety wheelchairs refurbished for the Philippines.

For more information, click here.

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We have issued the Activity Report (September, 2015_vol.8).

The detail(in Japnese) is from here.

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We handed over 170 wheelchairs to Cambodia.

The more information is from here.

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We finished the second refurbishing work for the Philippines.

The detail is from here.

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We finished the first refurbishing work for the Philippines.

The detail is from here.

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The 2014 activity and annual reports appeared on the Homepage.

The detail is from here.

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○Invitation to Dinner by the Paraguayan Embassy in Japan:

We were invited to dinner by the Paraguayan Embassy in Japan a few days ago. We have sent wheelchairs to Paraguay four times and have delivered more than 340 wheelchairs so far, and they invited us this time to show … Continue reading

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Volunteer’s Voice

test 16:42 from /enetc/ ==> 21:44

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