Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

We hope it’s going to be a good year for all of you.

At the end of December last year, the wheelchairs sent to overseas children numbered 5,000. We finally realized our long-cherished wish. We couldn’t have accomplished this without your support and cooperation. We intend to keep our work this year and … Continue reading

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We finished the second refurbishing work for Thailand. *

The detail is from here.

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〇Donation from Fussa Blues Festival exe. committee and Ms. Oyama.

The other day, we received a donation from Fussa Blues Festival executive committee. They have supported us for ten years! I’d like to say thank you to all the musicians in that festival. Ms. Oyama also donated us a portion … Continue reading

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We loaded 90 wheelchairs on the ship for the Philippines.

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We finished the second refurbishing work for the Philippines. *

The detail is from here.

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We handed over 180 wheelchairs to Vietnam.

The detail is from here. (All is in Japanese)

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We started the project for Thailand. *

The detail is from here.

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Fussa Blues Festival was held.(Sponsorship: Fussa blues Festival executive committee)

 The tenth Fussa Blues festival was held the other day. Its sponsorship, Fussa Blues Festival executive committee, is one of our supporters. Mr. Ishikawa, the president of Ishikawa Brewery, who has supported us since our foundation, called several professional artists … Continue reading

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We loaded 160 wheelchairs on the ship for Ethiopia.

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We started the second project for the Philippines. *

For more information, click here.

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