Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

We finished the refurbishing work for Thailand. *

The detail is from here.

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We issued the activity report Vol.10 *

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We loaded 90 wheelchairs on the ship for Thailand.

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We loaded 180 wheelchairs on the ship for Indonesia.

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We placed the Ethiopia project activities report. *

The detail is from here.

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We placed the Philippines project activities report. *

The detail is from here.

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I attended the handing-over ceremony in Ethiopia.

I attended the handing-over ceremony in Dessie, Ethiopia, and returned on February 28. This is the third time to deliver wheelchairs to Ethiopia. Cheshire Foundation, the local partner in Ethiopia, wants us to keep sending wheelchairs. I told them it … Continue reading

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We held the handing over ceremony in Ethiopia. *

The detail is from here.

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We finished the third refurbishing work for Thailand. *

The detail is from here.

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We held the handing over ceremony in the Philippines. *

The detail is from here. ‎

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