Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

 We issued the report of handing-over ceremony in Cambodia.*

The detail is from here.

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 Voice from a volunteer.*

The detail is from here.

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 We issued the activity report Vol.13. *

The detail is from here.

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 We loaded 90 wheelchairs on the ship for Laos.

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 We refurbished 25 wheelchairs for Thailand.*

The detail is from here.

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 We issued the report of handing-over ceremony in Vietnam.*

The detail is from here.

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 We did refurbishing 32 wheelchairs for Thailand.*

The detail is from here.

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 We loaded 78 wheelchairs on the ship for Malaysia.

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 We did extra work — packing wheelchairs for Malaysia. *

The detail is from here.

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 DAC, Cambodia, sent us Report on Donated Wheelchairs.*

 The handing-over ceremony was held in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia, on August 19 and 21 in 2015. DAC, the recipient organization in Cambodia, has sent us a summary report of the feedback from the users and their families. … Continue reading

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