Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

 Mr. KATANO, our chief director, passed away on June 20.

Message of Condolence from the president, Hirokazu Morita  Mr. Katano made every effort to promote our activities for 15 years from the very beginning. With his broad overseas network, he kept catching contact with foreign partners and negotiating with the … Continue reading

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 We loaded 80/160/90 wheelchairs on the ship.*

 We loaded 80 wheelchairs on the ship for Paraguay. Plus, 160 for Indonesia, 90 for Ethiopia in March.   We updated the Donation Record Graph. The detail is from here.

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 We need a lot more wheelchairs!

  We are really grateful that our organization has been supported by various kinds of people and groups.  With the help of special schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area we have been delivering about 7,000 wheelchairs for children to 23 … Continue reading

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 The Paraguay Ambassador to Japan visited us.*

The detail is from here.

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 The project report from Laos is on the site.*

Mr. Somphet, president of The Aid Children with Disability Association(ACDA) in Laos, sent us the report of 90 wheelchair donation project. The report is on the site of “Donation Record (Laos March, 2017)”. The detail is from here. The report … Continue reading

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 The first monthly meeting in 2018.*

  We held the first monthly meeting in 2018. The detail is from here.

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 The boy in Tanzania goes to school on his wheelchair.*

  Mr. Ikeda, who made an ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro, sent us a mail saying that the Tanzanian boy goes to school on his wheelchair. (For previous article) ---------------------------------------   I got a mail with a couple of pictures from Peter, NPO … Continue reading

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 We loaded 84 wheelchairs on the ship for Philippines.*

 We loaded 84 wheelchairs on the ship for Philippines.   We updated the Donation Record Graph. The detail is from here.

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 We held the handing over ceremony in Vietnam.*

 On September 27, we held the handing over ceremony with our partner, Vietnam Red Cross Society, at a Red Cross office in Phu Tho Province, two-hours’ drive from Hanoi. Executives from both Vietnam Red Cross Headquarter and Phu Tho Provincial … Continue reading

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 Mr. Ikeda has made a successful ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Mr. Ikeda joined our monthly activity in May, 2017.(see the article in Japanese) Mr. Ikeda has succeeded in the ascent of Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa, and he also delivered a wheelchair from our NGO to a boy … Continue reading

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