Author Archives: kaigaikurumaisu

 Second mini-meeting in November.*

    On November 21, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s University group and Tama Technical High School group. To read more,

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 First mini-meeting in November.*

    On November 7, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s University group and two participants who wished to experience our activities. To read more,

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 Mini-meeting, 4th time in October.*

     On October 31, 2021, we had a mini-meeting with Sagami Women’s University group and Vietnamese group, and we finished cleaning, refurbishing, and packing seven wheelchairs. To read more,

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 Mini-meeting with Rotary Club members.*

     On October 24, 2021, we had a mini-meeting, for the third time after the state of emergency was lifted. The participants were Tokyo Akishima Chuo Rotary Club members and our staff, nine in total. To read more,

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 Mini-meeting, second time in October.*

    On October 10, we had a second mini-meeting after the state of emergency was lifted. The participants were Sagami Women’s University group, Vietnamese group, and our staff members; twelve in total. To read more,

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 Mini-meeting after a long interval.*

  The state of emergency by the government was lifted on October 1, so we had a mini-meeting on October 3 and finished cleaning ten wheelchairs. The participants were Sagami Women’s University group and our staff members, seven in total. To … Continue reading

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 We will resume the mini-meeting from October.*

   During the COVID-19 state of emergency by the government, our NGO has also suspended regular activities. The state of emergency ended on September 30th and was lifted on October 1st.    Following that decision, we will resume the mini-meeting … Continue reading

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 90 wheelchairs have reached Malaysia.*

  The ship loading 90 wheelchairs left Tokyo port early in the morning of August 26, 2021, and arrived at Port Kelang on September 6. Then our longtime partner in Malaysia, Mr. Syed of Aleps Dream Factory(ADF), let us know that … Continue reading

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 23 wheelchairs from Miyashiro special school.*

  On September 10, 2021, we went to Saitama Prefectural Miyashiro Special School to receive 23 wheelchairs for children. There were teachers and PTA members waiting for us and helping us load them into the truck.   Before loading, we put a … Continue reading

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 Testimonials and children’s photos from Paraguay.*

  The ship loading 90 wheelchairs left Tokyo port on February 24, 2020, and reached Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, on May 4. It was on August 25 that the wheelchairs were unloaded from the container, though. In Paraguay, too, wheelchair … Continue reading

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