Fussa Blues Festival was held.(Sponsorship: Fussa blues Festival executive committee)

 The tenth Fussa Blues festival was held the other day. Its sponsorship, Fussa Blues Festival executive committee, is one of our supporters. Mr. Ishikawa, the president of Ishikawa Brewery, who has supported us since our foundation, called several professional artists to the festival. They played blues at the festival for free. I had quite a pleasant day to enjoy the live concert.

Nov 8th, 2015 Hirokazu Morita

・Fussa Blues Festival (For more information, click-here-
・Ishikawa Brewery Co.Ltd. (For more information, click-here-

~With Mr. Ishikawa, the president
  of Ishikawa Brewery Co.Ltd.~

~T-shirts same design
  as Festival poster are popular~

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