Sep. 18 2016 We did refurbishing work for Cambodia and Malaysia.

Today’s work went on smoothly as usual. The weather was unsettled with the autumn rain front and the approaching typhoon, but we kept on working and finished refurbishing wheelchairs for Cambodia and Malaysia as scheduled.

Working under big eaves of the warehouse.
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Working space was rather small, but nobody stopped working.
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Some of us moved into the warehouse for packing.
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After it cleared up, we started packing outside, laying cardboard under the wheelchairs so that we could keep them clean.

Lots of young Vietnamese members. Thank you for joining us every month!

Ethiopian volunteers working pleasantly. Thank you for coming again!
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Thanks to all of you who participated in today’s work, we were able to finish all the work we had scheduled. Thank you, again.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク