We did refurbishing work (3rd) for Myanmar. *

 June 19, Sunday, cloudy, quite typical weather of Japanese rainy season. About 40 members joined today’s activity, the third refurbishing work for Myanmar. The work went on as usual. There was a sprinkle of rain during the work, but luckily it stopped soon and we were able to finish refurbishing 20 wheelchairs. We reached our goal, 90 wheelchairs in total for Myanmar.
 We also did work for Malaysia, but what we did was just cleaning, folding, and packing. Children in Malaysia won’t be able to use them as they are, but this time ALEPS, our partner in Malaysia, has offered to do the needed cleaning and refurbishing work for themselves. This way of sharing refurbishing work with local partners means a new stage for our activity and we hope there will be more partners like them in the future.

Working Scenes(click the photos to enlarge)

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              Lunch break: fun time after morning work.

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写真11    Participants listening to today’s results.

写真12    It’s customary to take pictures of all the participants after the refurbishing work.

カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク