2016.02.21 We finished the third refurbishing work for Thailand.

It was cold and rainy yesterday, but luckily the rain stopped and it’s rather warm today, good day for working.

Today’s participants were 35 in total, including 17 Vietnamese members, and it was not hard to finish refurbishing the planned number.

Ms.Manet, a niece of the person in charge of receiving wheelchairs in Cambodia, is studyng at a college in Osaka and visited us during her spring holidays. She seemed to have a good time working with our members and volunteers.

We’ll finish refurbishing wheelchairs for Thailand, 90 units in total, and load them on a ship next month.

Thank you, evryone, for the hard work today.

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The students of Sagami Women’s College and Ms. Manet working together.




カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク