2016.01.17 We finished the second refurbishing work for Thailand.

Today was the first meeting in 2016. Regular members came on this cold day, and we could finish refurbishing the wheelchairs for Thailand as scheduled.



Mr. Syed Putera, president of ALEPS (Alumni Look East Policy Society, which is our recipient partner in Malaysia), is now staying in Japan and joined our activity today. He spent time on confirming how to refurbish wheelchairs with our technical leader, Mr. Nishino, and talking with students of Sagami Women’s College, who visited Malaysia to attend the handing-over ceremony in 2014 and stayed with families of children on wheelchairs.

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It’s the middle of winter and an oil heater and lots of disposable pocket warmers helped us work in a bit comfortable condition.

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カテゴリー: activity reports パーマリンク