2015/10/18 The refurbishing work of the second project for Philippines

The second project for Philippines has started under the clear sky of autumn. With the help of many participants from Fussa High school and Akishima Chuo Rotary Club, we were able to finish today’s work on schedule.

Today we packed twenty wheelchairs which are left unrefurbished. These wheelchairs are going to be refurbished by college students in Phillipines and be delivered to children who need them. The wheelchairs we have sent so far are all refurbished before shipping and this is the first time we ask local people to do it for themselves.

This plan enables people in Phillipines to support children in their country for themselves and it will also enhance the wheelchair project, so we look forward to its success.

We are planning to finish ninety wheelchairs in total in December and load them at the end of December or at the beginning of January.

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