The average expense of sending a wheelchair abroad is about 10,000 yen and 500 to 600 wheelchairs have been donated for the past several years, so the entire cost per year is around 6,000,000 yen. Besides, it costs 5,000 to 6,000 yen to go through customs and deliver the wheelchairs to each child, but these expenses are covered by the local partners who take care of those procedure and delivery there.
In Japan, brand-new wheelchairs for children are 200,000 to 300,000 yen, and some are 400,000 yen. However expensive they are, they are no longer in use and just left after two or three years. What a waste it is!
We think our activity of collecting those wheelchairs and sending them to disabled children abroad after cleaning and fixing is quite worthwhile. We also think spending 100,000 on collecting used wheelchairs and making them usable again for children abroad is of great significance. We believe this activity leads to promote international friendship.
We try to reduce expenses as much as we can. As for domestic activities, our members pay their traveling expenses. When some of our members go abroad to make a research or have a meeting with local organizations, they need to pay their own expenses most of the time. This is our situation.
The annual fee (individual — 3,000 yen, corporation — 20,000 yen) does not cover the expenses above, so we are asking for as much donation as possible from people, organization and companies.
We do hope you will approve of our activity and support us. From more detail, please see ‘Activity Report’ and ‘financial statement’ on other pages.
If you would be interested in donation, please fill in the form below and let us know.